Bretton Albrecht, of our Ft. Lauderdale office, recently prevailed in getting four trial court orders confirming appraisal awards in four related cases overturned. In State Farm Florida Insurance Company v. Roof Pros Storm Division, Inc. a/a/o Jesse Scott, 2022 WL 2374147 (Fla. 5th DCA July 1, 2022), four separate homeowners insured with State Farm filed claims for storm-related roof damage. Each homeowner assigned his/her/their policy rights over to Roof Pros, and in each claim, appraisal was sought after State Farm and Roof Pros could not agree on the amount of damages. The appraisal clause in each applicable State Farm policy stated that each party may select its own appraiser, the appraisers then must agree on an umpire, and if they cannot, then they may ask a judge to select the umpire. The parties could not agree as to an umpire, so petitions were filed for each claim in the lower courts, asking the courts to appoint an umpire in each matter. The lower courts ultimately entered final judgments confirming appraisal awards in each claim, and State Farm timely appealed. On appeal, State Farm took the position that the lowers courts lacked subject-matter jurisdiction to hear these cases as pleaded and to enter a final judgment because these actions did not seek damages, alleged no jurisdictional amount in controversy, and lacked the essential allegations to support a declaratory judgment or breach of contract action. The Fifth District Court of Appeal agreed, reversing the lower courts’ rulings.
9100 South Dadeland Blvd.
Suite 1800
Miami, FL. 33156 305.374.1212
125 West Romana St.
Suite 550
Pensacola, FL 32502 850.434.0003
1705 Metropolitan Blvd.
Suite 202
Tallahassee, FL 32308 850.222.5188
201 South Orange Ave.
Suite 475
Orlando, FL 32801 407.245.3630
13350 Metro Parkway
Suite 401
Fort Myers, FL 33966 239.334.8403
402 Applerouth Lane
Suite 2C
Key West, FL 33040 305.509.7300
1 Independent Drive
Suite 1601
Jacksonville, FL 32202 904.396.0062
1396 NE 20th Ave.
Suite 500
Ocala, FL 34470 352.622.4222
400 North Ashley Drive
Suite 1200
Tampa, FL 33602 813.204.9776
110 East Broward Blvd.
Suite 1400
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 954.768.0011
1700 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd.
Suite 800
West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561.640.0303
11 North Water St.
Suite 10290
Mobile, AL 36602 251.308.3351