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National Hurricane Preparedness Week, May 9-15, 2021

May 9-15th is National Hurricane Preparedness Week, and as many of us have experienced, storms can approach fairly quickly leaving little to no time to adequately prepare. Experts indicate the 2021 season is expected to be an above normal season for tropical activity, so we have included some tips and helpful links to help you prepare this year.

               Build an emergency kit
               Know your zone so you know when to evacuate, if necessary
               Plan your evacuation route
               Take inventory of your personal property and review your insurance policies
               Take steps to protect your home and business
               Hurricane Safety Tips and Resources from the National Weather Service

If you are an insurance adjuster, remember to check your license transcript and ensure you have met all of your CE requirements, so your license is in good standing and is active. If you need credits, we have several webinars coming up. We are also happy to schedule a private complimentary webinar for you and your team. Please do not hesitate to contact us at info@kubickidraper.com.

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