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Kubicki Draper's Construction Conference Is Going Virtual – October 15, 2021

The well-being of our attendees and our team is a priority. In this spirit, we have made the difficult decision to convert our live construction conference to a virtual platform due to the present circumstances.

As much as we would have loved to see everyone in person, we hope you will join us for the great program we have lined up from the comfort of your workspace.

If you already registered, you will receive online connection links for each session over the next couple of days.

If you have not yet registered, please contact info@kubickidraper.com for more information.
The complimentary event is designed to provide claims professionals with valuable information that will assist them in their claims handling and management.

We look forward to hosting you and will look forward to getting our live events back on track next year!

Construction Conference Program

Experts in Construction Related Cases – Selection, Direction and Protection

Presenters: Charles Kondla, Pedro Lopez, Harold Saul, Paul McCullough (SEA Limited)

This course will discuss the various aspects of expert retention and why each step in the process can be critical, starting with selection of the expert. This course will walk the audience through the entire process from choosing the right expert to putting the expert in the best position to not only help your case, but also survive a Daubert challenge. The course will culminate in a mock Daubert evidentiary hearing of the expert.

Warranty Claims in Construction Cases

Presenters: Michelle Krone, Aaron Haak, Eric Fluharty

Warranty issues arise in almost all construction cases. Whether statutory, express or implied, it is necessary to understand the differences. In this course, the KD team will review the various types of warranty claims, the ramifications of the pleadings, the potential damages recoverable and the defenses available.

Construction Defect Claims: Overview and Current Trends on Indemnity Law

Presenters: Michael Suarez, Bryan Krasinski, Jayme Idle

This course will provide a general overview of indemnity law and varying perspectives of its application from three Florida based construction defect practitioners. Topics range from interpretation of contractual indemnity provisions, anti-indemnity statutes, and additional insured considerations. The final discussion will be on the reasons behind and the effect of the current trend of contractors asserting claims for entitlement to contractual indemnity against their subcontractors and then swiftly seeking early determination by the court through summary judgment motions.

Construction Defect Coverage Issues

Presenters: Caryn Bellus, Jacqueline Bertelsen, Barbara Fox

Given the number of contractors often involved and the length of time it takes to complete construction projects, coverage issues arise in almost every case. This course will walk claims professionals through the steps of identifying and handling coverage issues, as well as highlighting the latest “hot coverage topics” in construction claims.

Effective Construction Defect Case Resolution

Presenters: Peter Baumberger, Raquel Loret de Mola

Achieving early case resolution in construction cases has become increasingly more challenging for claims professionals and parties involved in construction cases. This presentation will cover those challenges and will discuss strategies to effectively approach early case resolution in a cost effective manner.

For more information, or to register please email info@kubickidraper.com.

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