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Daubert Motion and Motion for Summary Judgment Granted in Big Toxic Tort Case

Steven Rich, of our Miami and Seattle offices, obtained rare wins on his Daubert motion and motion for summary judgment in a national toxic tort case involving alleged benzene exposure. Plaintiff (a former auto mechanic) claimed that his exposure to PB B’Laster (a bolt loosener) and other benzene-containing automotive products caused him to develop Acute Myelogenous Leukemia and to consequentially incur over $3 million in medical bills. The case, which turned on causation and damages, involved over 20 world-renowned medical experts in a multitude of fields. After two full days of hearings on the Daubert motion and motion for summary judgment, Judge Kelley struck Plaintiff’s industrial hygienist and granted summary judgment in favor of B’Laster essentially finding “Plaintiff can’t prove B’Laster did it so Plaintiff loses.”

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